February 1977 - School opened with 120 Form 4 students from Scarborough Junior -
Secondary School and a few from Roxborough Secondary.
Principal – Mr. Victor Wheeler
Vice Principal – Mr. Oswin Isaac
and 10 Teachers
September 1977 - Uniform, Logo and Motto, “Readiness is the Key”, designed by students
and a Teacher.
1982 - The school, with Mr. Bertille St. Clair as coach, won its first National
Intercol title. It went on to perform a hattrick in 1987, 1988, 1989
and won other titles in 1995, 2010.
1980 - School choirs dominate National Music Festival
January 1990 - Honorouble A.N.R. Robinson Prime Minister pays an official visit to
the school and opens an Achievement Centre in the Library.
September 1990 - Merson Bartlett emerges as the first student in a Tobago School and
the first Senior Comprehensive student to win an Open Scholarship
(Business Studies). The school’s Library was named the Merson
Bartlett Library
September 1995 - Arlette Charles won the award for the highest grade in CXC Clothing
and Textiles in the country.
1997 - School converted into Secondary Comprehensive School and
received its first cohort of Form one students.
2000 - Additional scholarships (Businiess Studies) won by Avernelle Henry
and Lorraine Phillips in the area of Business
2006 – Additional scholarship won by Daniel Smith – Business
2006 - School designated as Magnet School for Business Studies
2007 - Additional Scholarship won by Elias Clinton – Science
2009 - School’s name changed to Signal Hill Secondary School
March 2010 - The School won the National Financial Literacy Secondary School’s challenge
organized by the Central Bank
March 2010 - Music Festival Winners -
Best School’s Folk Choir
Best Junior Calypso Chorale
Prime Minister’s Award for
Most Outstanding Junior Choir
November 2011 - Launch of “Signal Hill Secondary School Band - Matrix”
March 2012 - Launch of this website.